Emerito CMC
Componente Commissione Soci e Componente Commissione Formazione

Le informazioni che seguono sono a cura del Consulente
P.za Cadorna 9
02 8591751
348 5858758
Coreconsulting spa
piazza Cadorna, 9
20123 Milano
Change Management, Coaching, Risorse Umane/HR, Strategia / Strategy
Change Management, Coaching, Risorse Umane/HR, Strategia / Strategy
Management Consultant, with strong background in Strategy, Finance, Operations, IT and HR. Good managerial experience.

With over 40 years in Management Consulting, I have helped more than 150 companies of almost all industries in thinking and implementing their strategies, improving their financial situations, streamlining their operations and reengineering their processes. Always taking into account the human resources perspective. Thus taking care of change management activities, training, assessment and coaching. During my career, I have lead large groups of Consultants, both on projects and business teams.
I have followed several professional Institutions, at national and international level: APCO, ASSCO, ICMCI, FEACO, ASSOCONSULT. I'm proud to bear the CMC (Certified Management Consultant) recognition.
Specialties: Discrete Manufacturing, Process and Construction/Engineering Industries, Consumer Products, Retail and Distribution, Services and Banking.
Alimentare e bevande, Autoveicoli, Chimico, Legno, Macchine automatiche, agricole, impiantistica, Tessile e Abbigliamento, Altro…
Bancari, finanziari, assicurativi, Commercio ingrosso, Dettaglio, GDO, Fieristico, Altro...
Franco Guazzoni