I acquired technical skills in the development of human resources and in the field of active employment policies and vocational education and training and, at the same time, I have gained solid experience in counselling and technical assistance to companies and local authorities on planning, implementation and evaluation of EU funded projects and programs, on financial and business planning, on organizational development and on Quality Management Systems. In addition, holding positions of manager and of project leader, I could improve my soft skills and develop strategic, organizational, managerial, financial, accounting and administrative competences.
Since May 2015 I’m carrying out the following activities as a freelancer: evaluation (ex ante) of projects co-financed by EU or national public funds (more than 3.200 proposals evaluated to nowadays); planning, development and management of projects financed by public funds; economic and financial consulting; advice on the development of people and organizations.
As General Manager I realized, between 2013 and 2015, the start-up project of the Institute of economic and statistical research Utilitatis of Rome, in the field of local public services and in the environmental sector (water service, waste management, local public transport, gas and energy distribution).
Previously I worked for 18 years (1995-2013) at the company Ti Forma Srl of Florence, the last 8 years of which as General Manager. The core business of the company relates vocational education and training, consulting, as well as the realization of projects co-financed by European funds, for SMEs and Public Utilities (water service, waste management, local public transport, gas and energy distribution).
Prior to engagement in position of General Manager, I worked for over ten years with various organizations and Institutions, among which the Tuscany Region and the Province of Florence, on the topics of organizational development, human resources development and management of complex projects funded by the European Union.
I’ve developed a thorough knowledge of economics and statistics, including budget and financial statement analysis.