ICMCI su YouTube!
I am glad to inform you that our ICMCI YouTube Video Channel is up and running!
The link is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCctXTEWbqPvh6ELTMh3l5sA
This channel was created with the purpose of increasing the visibility of:
1. IMCs by covering your events, achievements, educational materials for consultants, and services.
2. Members of IMCs by covering their services, achievements, educational materials, and their means of support to their local IMC.
3. ICMCI by covering our news, projects, educational materials for consultants and IMCs, and our professions’ standards.
Having said that, we would welcome and encourage your participation, and that of your members, in order to highlight your achievements to your communities and clients.
One of the targets that we would like to achieve, is to reach the threshold of 1000 videos before New Year, this will render it one of the largest channels on YouTube. Imagine how that will affect:
1. Your visibility and that of our network of members.
2. The CMC awareness or at least the curiosity about it.
With this channel, we can reach millions!
We encourage you to send this onwards to your members, and to send us the links to your available videos, and the videos you will be encouraged to create that serves your mission.
I will be awaiting your replies and responses, and please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or needed clarifications.
Best Regards
Reema Nasser
Executive Director